Pasar Properti

Jual Tanah Langka 1486m2 Pusat Kota Denpasar

Tanah dijual di dauh puri, denpasar barat, kota denpasar, bali
Dijual 26.75 Miliar oleh Han
Berada di pusat kota Denpasar, memberikan akses mudah ke berbagai fasilitas kota. Dekat dengan Pusat perbelanjaan, hanya beberapa menit dari Ramayana Bali Mall, memberikan aliran pengunjung dan potensi bisnis yang tinggi.

Lingkungan Komersial
Dikelilingi oleh berbagai usaha dagang, seperti restoran, toko, dan layanan lainnya, yang meningkatkan nilai komersial tanah ini.

Mudah diakses dengan transportasi umum dan pribadi, berada di jalur strategis yang ramai.

Potensi Penggunaan
Pembangunan pusat perbelanjaan atau bisnis retail
Perkantoran atau ruang usaha
Hunian mewah atau apartemen

Ini adalah Investasi properti dengan potensi kenaikan nilai yang tinggi.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini untuk memiliki tanah di lokasi yang sangat strategis di Denpasar.

Lokasi Jalan Diponegoro Denpasar

Luas tanah 1486m2


Harga 1,8 milyar per are
Total harga 26,748 milyar

For Sale Rare Land 1486m2 Jalan Diponegoro Denpasar

Located in the center of Denpasar city, providing easy access to various city facilities. Close to shopping centers, only a few minutes from Ramayana Bali Mall, offering a high flow of visitors and business potential.

Commercial Environment
It is surrounded by various commercial establishments, such as restaurants, shops and other services, which increase the commercial value of this land.

Easily accessible by public and private transportation, located on a busy strategic route.

Potential Uses
Construction of shopping centers or retail businesses
Office or business space
Luxury residence or apartment

This is a property investment with the potential for high value increase.
Don’t miss this golden opportunity to own land in a very strategic location in Denpasar.

Location Jalan Diponegoro Denpasar

Land area 1486m2


Price 1.8 billion per are
Total price 26.748 billion

Tanah dijual di dauh puri, denpasar barat, kota denpasar, bali

Tipe Properti

Luas Tanah

Sertifikat Kepemilikan

Harga Jual
(Dua Puluh Enam Milyar Tujuh Ratus Empat Puluh Delapan Juta Rupiah)

Dauh Puri

Denpasar Barat

Kota Denpasar


Tanah dibawah 27 miliar di dauh puri kota denpasar
Tanah dibawah 27 miliar di denpasar barat kota denpasar
Tanah dibawah 27 miliar di kota denpasar
Jual tanah dauh puriJual tanah denpasar baratJual tanah kota denpasarJual tanah bali

Fasilitas Umum Terdekat

Untuk melihat fasilitas umum terdekat dari lokasi ini, klik link dibawah:


My name is Han, and I'm Property Advisor at Brighton Paradise Bali. As the trusted real estate advisor for my clients, I understand that selling and/or buying a property is complex and deeply personal. There is also a lot at stake financially and personally. This perspective on the process and the responsibility felt towards my clients drives me to truly be an expert at the job. I understand the market, the players, and all of the variables involved in a real estate transaction. I want to make sure you feel supported and that you have a trusted advisor by your side. If you’d like to work together, please reach out. I look forward to getting to know you and am here to help you achieve your goals!

Listing Property Terkait

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