Pasar Properti

BUC Tanah Premium 105m2 Posisi Hook Kesiman Dentim

Tanah dijual di kesiman kertalangu, denpasar timur, kota denpasar, bali
Dijual 656.25 Juta oleh Han
Keunggulan Properti:

Lokasi Strategis: Terletak di dekat Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, memudahkan akses ke berbagai fasilitas umum seperti pusat perbelanjaan, sekolah, dan rumah sakit.
Akses Jalan Lebar: Jalan akses selebar 5,5 meter memudahkan mobilitas kendaraan, cocok untuk hunian rumah, kantor, atau kos-kosan.
Gratis Biaya Tambahan: Pembeli akan mendapatkan keuntungan tambahan berupa pembebasan dari BPHTB (Pajak Pembelian), Bea Balik Nama, dan Bea Notaris.

Dengan harga 625 juta per are (net), ini merupakan investasi yang sangat menarik dan berharga di wilayah Denpasar Timur yang terus berkembang. Tanah ini menawarkan berbagai keunggulan yang layak dipertimbangkan.

Lokasi strategis Kesiman Kertalangu Denpasar Timur
Hanya 50 meter dari Jalan By Pass Ngurah Ngurah Rai

Cocok untuk:
Hunian Rumah
Kos Kosan

Luas tanah 105m2
Posisi hook
Akses jalan 5,5 meter

Harga 625 juta per are, net

Free BPHTB (Pajak Pembelian)
Free Bea Balik Nama
Free Bea Notaris

For Sale Premium Land 105m2 Hook Position Kesiman East Denpasar

This premium land with an area of 105m2 is located in the strategic area of Kesiman Kertalangu, East Denpasar. Only 50 meters from By Pass Ngurah Rai Road, this land is very accessible and ideal for various purposes. Its hook position provides additional benefits such as better lighting and air circulation.

Property Advantages:

Strategic Location: Located near By Pass Ngurah Rai Road, it provides easy access to various public facilities such as shopping centers, schools, and hospitals.
Wide Road Access: The 5.5-meter wide access road facilitates vehicle mobility, suitable for residential homes, offices, or boarding houses.
Free Additional Costs: Buyers will receive additional benefits such as exemption from BPHTB (Purchase Tax), Name Transfer Fees, and Notary Fees.

Priced at 625 million per are (net), this is a very attractive and valuable investment in the rapidly developing area of East Denpasar. This land offers various advantages worth considering.

Strategic location of Kesiman Kertalangu, East Denpasar
Only 50 meters from Jalan By Pass Ngurah Ngurah Rai

Suitable for:
Home Occupancy
Boarding House

Land area 105m2
Hook position
Road access 5.5 meters

Price 625 million per are, net

Free BPHTB (Purchase Tax)
Free Name Transfer Fee
Free Notary Duty

Tanah dijual di kesiman kertalangu, denpasar timur, kota denpasar, bali

Tipe Properti

Luas Tanah

Sertifikat Kepemilikan

Harga Jual
(Enam Ratus Lima Puluh Enam Juta Dua Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

Kesiman Kertalangu

Denpasar Timur

Kota Denpasar


Tanah dibawah 700 juta di kesiman kertalangu kota denpasar
Tanah dibawah 700 juta di denpasar timur kota denpasar
Tanah dibawah 700 juta di kota denpasar
Jual tanah kesiman kertalanguJual tanah denpasar timurJual tanah kota denpasarJual tanah bali

Fasilitas Umum Terdekat

Untuk melihat fasilitas umum terdekat dari lokasi ini, klik link dibawah:


My name is Han, and I'm Property Advisor at Brighton Paradise Bali. As the trusted real estate advisor for my clients, I understand that selling and/or buying a property is complex and deeply personal. There is also a lot at stake financially and personally. This perspective on the process and the responsibility felt towards my clients drives me to truly be an expert at the job. I understand the market, the players, and all of the variables involved in a real estate transaction. I want to make sure you feel supported and that you have a trusted advisor by your side. If you’d like to work together, please reach out. I look forward to getting to know you and am here to help you achieve your goals!

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